Without health insurance, a single illness can cause serious, and often irrevocable, financial hardship.
Insurance of any kind is intended to transfer financial risk to an insurance company in exchange for a reasonable insurance premium. Where most insurance coverages pay once a loss has occurred, health insurance has the added benefit of paying to keep your loss from getting worse.
Health Insurance and Related Services

Individual & Family Health Insurance
Today, health care costs are high and getting higher. Who will pay your bills if you have a serious accident or a major illness? You buy health insurance for the same reason you buy other kinds of insurance, to protect yourself financially. With health insurance, you protect yourself and your family in case you need medical care that could be very expensive.
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Business & Group Health Insurance
Without health insurance, a single illness can cause serious, and often irrevocable, financial hardship. It has been proven that employees with health insurance and more productive and focused at work, knowing both them and their family are protected from financial loss. We offer high coverage with lower premiums for people in average to great health.
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Blue Cross Supplemental Insurance
We’ve helped many clients who wanted to keep their Blue Cross insurance but could not afford the premiums for their plan level. That is why we offer Blue Cross Supplemental Health Insurance plans. Let us show you how you can keep your Blue Cross health insurance with our Supplemental Health Insurance plans for lower premiums than you are currently paying.
Click HERE to start a Free Quote
Prescription Card
Click HERE to get your Free Card!

Life Insurance & Annuities
Let our experienced agents help you determine the right type of life insurance or annuity for your situation. Picking the wrong insurance product and be not only costly, but may not do what you intended. We can help!
Click HERE to start a Free Quote

Medicare Supplement
Medicare supplemental insurance fills in the gaps in Original Medicare coverage. We help our clients pick the right plan for their needs. There are 10 standardized Medigap policies available as of today!
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Need Help Determining the Right Health Insurance Plans?
Looking for an Affordable Alternative to the unaffordable healthcare you have now ? We can help you! Real Choice Healthcare is proud to introduce New Era Life Insurances comprehensive health plans, leading the Health Insurance Revolution. Many clients are saving 30%-60% on their premiums and have quality Hospital/Surgical and Outpatient Protection.
Go to the top of this page and request a free quote or Call Us now!
What our Clients Have to Say...
We think of our clients like family. As Health Insurance consultants, we have a very important role and we take it seriously. We love to hear from our many happy customers and wanted to share a few of the recent emails and testimonials we have received.
"I just wanted to drop you a line to let you know how pleased I am with your recommendation on my Health Coverage.
American Philadelphia has been outstanding in speed of which they handle claims and the catastrophic loss rider is exactly what you said. Recently I had a unexpected Heart attack, and when I looked at my policy coverage to see that I was covered 100%. To this day I have not spent $1.00. and to top that I received a check for a nice sum from the Catastrophic Loss rider.
So after being self-employed for close to 40 years I no longer need to worry about choosing and researching Health coverage
Again Thank You for your knowledge and product"
"Wanted to let you know we used the insurance for the first time last week. Non emergency doctor visit and it worked great. We paid nothing out of pocket that day, the office filed the paperwork and one week later we received a check in the mail for the difference in the charge and our allowance. Amazing! Thank you for your help with this and for selling a product that does what it says."
I had the pleasure of working with Christian and he quoted a plan that provided better coverage with less out of pocket costs than going on my wife's big company group plan. Appreciate your knowledge and patience through the process."
Contact Us
To learn more about our health insurance, disability, medicare or dental insurance options please get in touch with us. You may also start a no obligation quote by clicking Request Quote in the menu above.
(888) 820-4724
Headquarters: Berwyn, PA 19312
M-F: 8am-5pm, S-S: Closed
Real Choice Healthcare General Contact Form
Request a Free Personalized and Confidential Quote
To start your free insurance quote, click the button below and select your insurance type and fill in the form. We will reach out to you for a free consultation to answer any questions and see if our health insurance is a fit for your unique circumstances. Remember that most people in average health will qualify, and once you are approved, as long as you pay your premium, your coverage cannot be canceled.